Professional development of secondary family and consumer sciences educators in the northwest United States

Demographics, needs, motivations, and deterrents


  • Elizabeth Ropski Beth University of Idaho
  • John
  • Sonya


Family and Consumer Sciences, Career and Technical Education, Professional Development Needs


This quantitative descriptive study collected data to explore perceptions of professional development (PD) opportunities for secondary Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) educators in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming. Data was collected on the educators’ perceived needs for relevant and applicable PD, as well as motivators and deterrents for participating in PD. Differences were compared in perceived needs for PD of secondary FCS educators based on their personal and professional demographics. Participants identified that establishing student internships or jobs, keeping current on FCS trends and issues, and developing a variety of School-to-Work/Career activities were their top PD needs. Additionally, PD specifically related to specific content area had the highest motivation value for participants in this study. Over 80% of the participants identified as white and female, with just under half over the age of 50. Most of the educators reported two to 20 years of teaching experience.






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